
Gare SGP L15 Est Stade de France

Saint-Denis (93)

Extension of the Stade de France station

Gare SGP L15 Est Stade de France

Saint-Denis (93)

This Gare du Paris Express station is designed as a respectful extension of Jean-Marie Duthilleul's work. The station seems to have always been there, without gesticulation, without fashion. The serenity and timelessness of the intervention prevail over any desire to over-exist. An approach that enhances the existing architecture and gives the whole a coherent unity that makes this station a whole with a strong impact.
Thus the existing linearity of the railway tracks and its canopies find a new, resolutely rectilinear design.
A large cantilevered canopy, a classic of the station, displays a large LED screen (consubstantial with events) on its underside, emitting either images adapted to the events of the Stade de France or subdued lighting atmospheres on a daily basis.


Greater Paris station

Project owner

Project manager
Olivier Contré Kardham associate

Reichen et Robert
Agence François Leclerc
Auer Weber
Cruz y Ortiz Arquitectos

Place aux Étoiles 93200 Saint-Denis

Competition - Public consultation, TPFI-EDEIS consortium

Surface area
10 000 m² floor area

Cost of construction work
20 000 000€ before tax

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