
Slice 2 of the hospital in Périgueux

Périgueux (24)

An extension of 245 beds and places

Slice 2 of the hospital in Périgueux

Périgueux (24)

The construction of building D and the restructuring of building B consists of successfully creating a functional "seam" between these buildings in order to include the extension in an overall project, all with a view to efficiency, general coherence and technical realism. Two architectural issues arise. One relates to the restructuring of building B, the other to the construction of building D.
The inscription of building D is done exactly on the limits of the land base. This imbrication produces a density and an enhancing urban structure. Along the Avenue Georges Pompidou, slightly in front of the IFSI alignment, it signals the health establishment with great clarity.
The proximity of the intervention to the 1953 buildings by the architect Daniel Beyland inspired a sober, respectful and complicit architecture, capable of dialoguing with dignity with a context of undeniable historical values.
The exterior facades of the extension are intended to be fair, simple and unpretentious. They highlight both the regularity of the programme and the generosity of the rooms. The exceptional depth of the bays gives an impression of robustness and their wooden frames a warm, domestic image.
The "structural" concrete grid is clad with natural stone from the Paussac quarry, quarried a few kilometres from the site.
The distribution of functions by floor only implies a partial occupation of the ground floor. This is an opportunity to offer a new and multifunctional service area. Landscaped gardens are created which can be seen from the public highway.
The new building is distinguished by the simplicity of its design in the service of versatility, scalability and efficiency. Each hospitalization area is designed in the same way, around a generous patio. A service core with logistical and tertiary functions distributes two 30-bed units at its two ends. These two units share a common border in order to guarantee total flexibility in the allocation of beds.
The trays are irrigated by two circulations allowing the optimisation of movements for the personnel and the distinction between the logistical flows and patients in bed on one side and the public flows on the other.
Two criteria prevailed in the design of the spaces: luminosity and comfort. For the public, the large central patio has a valuable and unique orientation role. For the staff, each work area or circulation path is naturally lit by the small patios.
The design of the room is worthy of that of a large hotel: priority to living space, large windows to the outside, warm wood furnishings.
The restructuring of building B is planned in accordance with the programmatic recommendations with the following remarkable elements. New public lifts and consultants with easy access are created in an integrated way to the building. A clear medical-technical axis on all levels is set up. The positioning of the sectors prioritises the efficiency of the vital axis.
© Brunet-Saunier Architecture


Hospitalization building with 245 beds and places

Project owner
Périgueux Hospital

Project manager
Olivier Contré Brunet Saunier Architecture associate


80 Avenue Georges Pompidou, 24000 Périgueux

MOP competition

Surface area
15 000 m² net floor area

Cost of construction work

27 500 000€ before tax 

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