
Urban study for housing and activities

Boulogne-Billancourt (92)

Revaluation study

Urban study for housing and activities

Boulogne-Billancourt (92)

The feasibility study concerns the development of a wasteland currently occupied by municipal technical hangars. The program aims at the construction of housing, private and/or municipal facilities (swimming pool and parking) and a pedestrian walkway that serves the whole. At the end of a discontinuous urban system alternating high buildings and vast green spaces, the project plays the card of density and creates an urban front in dialogue with the factory located on the Seine side.
This corner layout invites you to walk down to the river.
The buildings are oriented to the south, with occasional east/west orientations for the housing.
Several hypotheses are developed on this principle which set up different possibilities of visual connections between the city, the housing and the Seine.
The swimming pool is treated as an attractive facility for the public and the inhabitants of the block.


Reconversion of a 0,6 ha site into housing (in accession and social) and activities (municipal aquatic equipment, public and private parking, offices)

Type of mission
Feasibility study

Project owner
City of Boulogne-Billancourt, urban planning and development department

Project management
Eric BARTOLO associate architect BVAU-Bartolo Villemard Architecture Urbanisme

Other contributors
Robota (perspectivist)

Stade Le Gallo/rue de Sèvres, 92100 Boulogne-Billancourt

Surface area
7 500 to 10 000 m² of floor space

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Bartolo + Contré Architectes ©2025