
203 Housing units, buildings B1 and E2A

Bobigny (93)

Controlled density

203 Housing units, buildings B1 and E2A

Bobigny (93)

With its major infrastructures, diversified public transport and landscape assets, the Bobigny 2 site has immense potential and is destined to become the new commercial centre of the commune. The challenge of the project is to create tension between the neighbouring districts, to articulate new relationships, and to reveal existing connections that are currently fragmented.
It also aims to network the various existing public spaces and to insert the future district into the heart of the system.
The project allows for porosities, creating continuities between the Boulevard Maurice Thorez and the Cité du Chemin Vert, and taking advantage of the high quality but under-exploited public spaces in the depths of the district.
Thus, this new hyper-centre is firmly anchored in its urban environment. It federates links with its context from east to west and from north to south and concentrates their point of convergence in its heart.
Five building typologies work together to create urban interaction and life in the macro-lot. A "signal" building at the entrance to the north-east, a "landmark" building at the south-west, inhabited blocks that form the main body, a crossing block at the north-west that connects to the Town Hall and finally, a tertiary block in the immediate vicinity of the mobility centre. On the ground floor of the complex, shops are located to create the urbanity of the base.


E2a : 70 social housing units
B1a/B1b : 133 housing units for sale

Type of mission
Complete (Design + Execution)

Project owner
Altarea - Cogedim

Project manager
Éric Bartolo, associate architect BVAU-Bartolo Villemard Architecture Urbanisme

TVK (architects and urban planners, coordinator)
Barrault & Pressacco (architects)
COBE (architects)
Hardel+Lebihan (architects)
Lambert Lénack (architects)
OLM (landscaper)
Incet (BTP consultant)

Lot E2A and B1a/B1b, Bobigny Coeur de Ville (93)

Planned deliveries :
E2a : 2023
B1a/B1b: 2025

Surface area
E2a : 4 954 m² net floor area
B1a/B1b : 8 850 m² net floor area

Cost of construction work
E2A : 7 180 000 € before tax
B1a/B1b : 12 800 000€ before tax


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Bartolo + Contré Architectes ©2025