
Long live the Groues !

Nanterre (92)

A pioneering urban planning experience

Long live the Groues !

Nanterre (92)

The Groues sector, also known as the eleventh district of Nanterre, is in the midst of redevelopment. The ambitions are high, to imagine a large district exemplary for its quality of life and well-being while contributing to the influence of the Paris La Défense business district.
A mix of programmes is being studied so that housing, economic activities and shops will be able to respond to the new public transport services to come (Eole and GPE line 15).
It is alongside N+, ABCD and the YesWeCamp association, which has been working since 2013 to set up processes for transforming defined spaces into open, generous and creative micro-territories, that the future of the groups, through its "micro-uses", is being questioned. The vision of urbanism and architecture is invited to the table of these fine reflections because the prefigured structuring must be thought of in the light of the uncertain.
Here, questions of temporality, identity and value creation arise that are so difficult to grasp. It is therefore through a federating guide plan, a support for Workshop, that the locations of events, signage, services, furniture, temporary architecture, routes, etc. are projected in a way that is certainly atypical but well anchored in the social culture.

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